Board Members: Welcome New Members

We would like to welcome our newest CIFSC Board members:

  • Sarah Solinsky
  • Beckie Schultz
  • Kaylee Bruneau-Ries
  • Chris Tudor (1-year term… for now)

Their positions will officially begin in July.

We also want to mention the board members whose terms are up and have brought so much to the club over the years: Tanya Sondelski (4 Years), Melissa Fletcher (4 years), and Cassie Tudor (3 years). 

Congratulations to all of you, we’re so lucky to have you part of our club!

Ice Show 2024: Pictures Available! (Check Your Email)

Photo galleries for your skaters ice show photos (group and individual photos) have been sent to your email inbox. If you haven’t seen your photos yet or can’t find the email, please check your Spam or Junk Mail folder.

If you didn’t receive access to your skaters photo gallery, please reach out to Nick Lindsey.

Continue reading “Ice Show 2024: Pictures Available! (Check Your Email)”

Coaching: La Crosse Area / College Students Needed

If you have any questions about this opportunity please reach out to the contact.

My name is Corry Marco and I am reaching out to Clubs that might have a senior attending college next year in La Crosse, Wisconsin! I had 3 wonderful young ladies as coaches from your club (Abby, Erin and Kendra) years ago. They were great with the skaters and we miss having our point girls as part of the staff.    

If you have anyone that might be interested, I would love to be able to be connected with them for next season! 

Continue reading “Coaching: La Crosse Area / College Students Needed”

Board Membership 2024: Vote Now

Each year, 3 board members have terms that expire and the club elects 3 new, or returning, members. A term on the CIFSC Board is 3 years in length. Duties within the board vary in commitment levels and are determined during the summer, once the new members are elected.

The 3 members up for replacement this year are: Shelli Dubay (President), Melissa Fletcher (Co-Treasurer), and Cassie Tudor (board member).

Click here to vote

Please have all submissions entered by 3/17/24. A final board announcement will be email the end of March. 

Continue reading “Board Membership 2024: Vote Now”

2024 Volunteer of the Year: Terrie Tauferner

Congratulations to Terrie Tauferner for being voted the 2024 Crystal Ice Figure Skating Club Volunteer of the year. We have appreciated her organization and attention to detail. She served 6 years as a board member and has supported the club in various roles such as Treasurer, Rink Monitor Coordinator, Riverfront Rendezvous Coordinator, Ice Show 50/50 Coordinator, and HS billing Coordinator.

Terrie, thank you for your generous commitment of time and support. Congratulations on receiving the 2024 CIFSC Volunteer of the Year!

Continue reading “2024 Volunteer of the Year: Terrie Tauferner”

Timberline FSC: May 2024 Camp & Test Session

If you have any questions about these opportunities please reach out to the hosting club.

We are happy to announce that our Timberline Spring Camp will be held May 16-18th @ the Greenheck Turner Community Center. We will also host a test session on Sunday May 19th. We will not be able to offer international dances at this test session.  Attached are the registration forms, test forms and permission to test forms. Requests will be processed in the order they are received. Forms can be turned in at the rink during our ice time or mailed. 

Continue reading “Timberline FSC: May 2024 Camp & Test Session”