2021-22 Synchro Season – Important Information

In just one week’s time we will be back at the Willett for the first week of the 2021-22 Crystal Edge Synchro Season, and we hope you are excited to get back on the ice as we are! We will be starting practice early for the first two weeks of the season in order to teach the routine to each team and also engage all members in some bonding activities.

Continue reading “2021-22 Synchro Season – Important Information”

Volunteers still needed!

As you know, the club relies heavily on families to assist with the many opportunities we provide to our skaters.  Please consider volunteering for one of our open positions. If we cannot find volunteers for these positions, we may have to look at eliminating some of our fundraisers next year. If you rely on fundraising to offset your skating fees, please consider offering your time to make sure we can continue to have these opportunities available. Three Board members have volunteered to take on additional responsibilities so that we can continue to offer our SCRIP and Butterbraid fundraisers, along with our annual apparel order. The remaining positions are still in need of volunteers:

Continue reading “Volunteers still needed!”

COVID19 Guidelines

As we continue to deal with the pandemic please review the following guidelines.

  1. Do not come to the rink if you have tested positive for COVID or are quarantining.
  2. If you do not feel well, please do not come to the rink.
  3. Follow the mask, distancing, and attendance guidelines of the facility you are skating at. 

High School Team 2021/22

Our High school team is a co-op of multiple area high schools and home-schooled students.  We are gearing up for our season and we’d like to know if you are interested in joining our team!  In the past we have practiced on 10 Sunday nights throughout the season and participated in four competitions.  The team has also traditionally participated in the end of the year ice show. 

All interested skaters will need to sign up/ fill out your information on this form by August 6th, 2021

Continue reading “High School Team 2021/22”

2021/22 Season – Important Dates

We are busy preparing for our upcoming season! We wanted to update members on a few important dates.

  • Membership Meeting: Tuesday, August 24 5:30 at the KB Willet Arena
  • Package Ice will begin Sunday, September 19
  • Ice Show Solo Tryouts: Sunday, November 14 12:00-3:00
  • Test Session / HS Competition: Saturday, December 11
  • Dress Exhibition: Monday, January 3 6:00-8:00
  • Ice Show: April 2 & 3

We look forward to seeing everyone back at the rink!

2022/23 Volunteers Needed

The Crystal Ice Figure Skating Club is seeking volunteers! You will work with the current coordinator, this season, to learn the position. You will then be the lead coordinator during the 2022-2023 season. Each position will fulfill all your volunteer hours.  You will still be responsible for fulfilling your 1 hour of time during the annual ice show (if your skater is participating).

Continue reading “2022/23 Volunteers Needed”

LiveBarn cameras

As we welcome new members and begin our new figure skating season, I wanted to remind the club about the LiveBarn cameras. Please always assume the cameras are on and recording. The camera is located above the spectator bleachers at Ice Hawks. It is located right above the rink monitor booth at the Willet. This camera picks up audio very well.

Please be mindful when sitting near the camera.