February Updates / Roundup

Tonight’s (02/22) Learn To Skate has been canceled. It is rescheduled for Tuesday, March 8.

We are approaching the end of our regular season. Our last Sunday Package is February 27th. Our last Monday Package is February 28. Our last Thursday Package is March 3. We are working on our Spring Ice Schedule and hope to have that available in the next few weeks. 

Reminder: Ice Show Pictures are this Saturday, February 26th. If your skater is unable to attend, they can pick up their costume at the rink during the first week of practices. 

A club photo will be taken on Tuesday, March 29th at 5:00 pm in the Meeting Room at the K.B. Willett. This is right before the first Opening Number practice. All club skaters are invited to come. Skaters can wear club gear or competition dresses, and any medals earned this season!

Ice Show 2022: Show Book Ad Letters / Forms

We are excited for our Annual Ice Show to be held on April 9th & 10th.

Attached you will find order forms for Personal and Business Ads.  Please consider placing an ad in this year’s Show Book and support your skater!  If you or someone you know would like to place a business ad we would greatly appreciate their support.  

All ads are due by March 15, 2022.

Continue reading “Ice Show 2022: Show Book Ad Letters / Forms”

Purchases, Volunteer Coordinators, and Riverfront Dates

New Purchase Policy – all club members need preapproval for any purchase they wish to bill to the club. Please submit a Permission for Purchases form located on the website (Club Information– Forms). This excludes items that will be billed to skaters (i.e. costumes). If approval is not given, club members will be responsible for the purchase amounts. 

A reminder of an existing policy – club members wishing to be reimbursed for a preapproved purchase should complete an Expense Reimbursement FormThis can also be found on the website (Club Information- Forms).

New Request – as we say goodbye to another large group of seniors, we also prepare to lose a lot of dedicated volunteers. In an effort to make this transition smooth and update policies and procedures, we are asking all volunteers to create a Checklist of Responsibilities associated with their specific roles. If you are listed as a volunteer here, we ask you to work on creating this checklist. Please include a timeline of tasks, necessary contacts, budget items, and all other pertinent information a new volunteer may need stepping into that role. Please email your checklist to cifscstevenspoint@gmail.com. It will be uploaded to our Google Folder. If you are comfortable with Google docs, the folder can be shared with you so you can keep the form updated. If you prefer to update the form and send it to the club at the end of every season, that is fine too. Please submit all checklists by the end of June. 

Riverfront is a great opportunity to earn credits towards your skating costs. This year Riverfront Rendezvous will be held July 1-3. Save these dates and keep an eye out for sign-up information in May.

Ice Show 2022: Picture Schedule – Sat. Feb. 26

Pictures will be taken in the Meeting Room at the KB Willett Ice Arena on Saturday Feb. 26 from 10:00 am. – 3:40 pm. Parents are asked to remain outside of the Meeting Room during pictures. Costumes will be available to pick up the day of pictures. Please arrive to allow enough time to pick up your costume and get changed. Tights will be available for purchase the day of pictures.

Be ready 15 minutes prior to your picture time in case things run ahead of schedule. Siblings wanting pictures together can do so at the end of one sibling’s group. Friends wanting pictures together can do so at the end of one friend’s group (this may be limited due to time).

All times are final and cannot be changed due to skater unavailability.

Continue reading “Ice Show 2022: Picture Schedule – Sat. Feb. 26”

COVID & Safety

For those families not enrolled in Learn to Skate, this reminder was sent from Ann Hylla, Programs and Facility Supervisor, this week:

Hello Families,

Our Learn to Skate winter session got off to a great start tonight. Thank you for choosing to skate with us!

Just a quick note about safety in the rink.

With so many children, parents, and grandparents in the building during our skating lessons, we ask that if any member of your household has Covid or symptoms of Covid, please keep all your family members home for the recommended recovery period.

Also, City of Stevens Point masking policy states: Masking is required, unless vaccinated, in City owned buildings.

Thank you for your cooperation.
