You should have received an email with your Summer Ice bill. The schedule will be sent out within a couple days and posted on the club site within the next week. Any no show rink monitor shifts will result in a $20 fee. If you need to switch your shift, you’re responsible for finding a replacement, as well as reporting the change to the Rink Monitor Coordinator Tieoni at If you have any questions on how to rink monitor at the Ice Hawks rink, please contact Tieoni prior to the night of your shift. There is a “Rink Monitor Duties” for Ice Hawks on the club site for a quick reference.
Please have your payment postmarked by 5/31/22 or turned into me by 6/3/22. All checks must be made payable to CIFSC and mailed/dropped off to Trisha Hudack at 2020 Easlan Dr, Plover, WI 54467.
Continue reading “Summer Ice 2022: Billing / Payment Due (6/12 – 8/14)”