Show time is getting near! Before the show, please make sure to review the general show reminders, volunteer reminders and freestyle skate reminders. Lots of important information to help make the show a success!
Continue reading “Ice Show 2023: Reminders”February: Club / Ice Show Updates
A few reminders…
- Our last Sunday package is February 26.
- Our last Monday package is February 27.
- Our last Wednesday package is March 1.
Ice Show 2023: Volunteers Needed
Volunteer hours are posted for Ice Show Picture Day (March 4) and Ice Show Weekend (March 31- April 2). Please use the sign-up link:
All families must have completed or claimed their required hours by March 30th at 4 p.m. or their skater(s) is not eligible to perform. In addition to this, you will be charged $50 per hour not completed. This fine must be paid before your skater is eligible for spring/summer ice, spring/summer credit earning opportunities, or it will be added to your registration fee for the new season July 1.
Continue reading “Ice Show 2023: Volunteers Needed”High School Competition: Volunteers NEEDED!
Good Afternoon!
We will be hosting 12 teams for our High School Competition and we need all hands on deck! We are especially in need of two volunteers from 1:45-4:00 to announce the teams and play music. A script will be provided.
Please use this link to sign up. The time slot will be updated, but you would be needed from 1:45-4:00. We have volunteers for 10:45-1:45.
The high school competition will likely start closer to 10:45 rather than 11:00. We are working to update the volunteer times. Please check next week as your time may be slightly altered.
Remember that all skaters participating in either the test session or highschool competition need to volunteer two hours of time. For highschool families, this is separate from your club volunteer time. Any hours completed over two, will count towards your required club hours (5 for one skater, 8 for multiple skaters). The Board of Directors is especially appreciative of those families that go beyond the required hours. To continue providing these experiences for our skaters, we really need families to help us out.
Thank you for your consideration,
Dress Exhibition: Jan. 2, 2023 / Signup Before Dec. 12
Hello Skaters!
The Crystal Ice Figure Skating Club will be holding their annual Dress Exhibition on Monday, January 2, 2023 at the KB Willett Ice Arena from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm. For those new to the club, our dress exhibition is open to all club members who will be competing in a solo, duet, or synchro routine this season. Dress exhibition is an opportunity for a ‘dress rehearsal’. Family and friends are invited to watch. This event is free and open to the public. Concessions will be available.
Continue reading “Dress Exhibition: Jan. 2, 2023 / Signup Before Dec. 12”Ice Show 2023: Costume Meeting – 11/15
We will be having an open Ice Show costume meeting on Tuesday November 15th from 5-7pm at the City Recreation Center Meeting Room.
Parents are welcome to attend and look through books and make suggestions for costumes.
If you are planning to attend, please rsvp with the link below.
Thank you,
Katie Baeten
Holiday Parade 2022: Candy WANTED!

Have extra Halloween candy? We could use it for the parade. Feel free to leave it with a board member, we’ll work on a collection plan.
Want to walk with us? Sign up link here.
Thank you!
USFSA Test Session: Signup / Volunteers
Our home test session and high school competition is Saturday, December 10th. We are in need of volunteers for this event. Please sign up here.
If your skater is on the highschool team, you are required to volunteer 2 hours this day. These hours are separate from your club volunteer hour time. If your skater is participating in the test session (registration coming soon), you are required to volunteer 2 hours this day. This will count towards your club volunteer time.
If your skater is both on the HS team AND testing, 2 hours minimum is required and those 2 hours will fulfil your HS obligation. Any hours beyond the first 2 will be applied to your club volunteer requirement.
2022 Holiday Parade: RSVP / Signup

We have a wonderful opportunity for CIFSC and Learn to Skate families to once again participate in the Stevens Point Downtown Holiday Parade on Wednesday, November 16 at 6PM. We need your help to walk alongside the float and pass out candy!
This activity is optional, but we’d love to see our skaters (parents welcome too) partake in this fun event for our community!
Continue reading “2022 Holiday Parade: RSVP / Signup”October: Updates / Reminders
Good Afternoon! Here are a few CIFSC reminders:
- Our Butter Braid fundraiser ends this Sunday. Please submit your order form and one check made out to CIFSC. These should be placed in our lock box inside the rink by 8 p.m. on Sunday, October 23. Delivery will be on November 3 from 5:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the Willett. You must arrange to pick up your items at that time. They will not be held for you.
- Ice Show Registration opens on October 29th. Club members who are interested and eligible to try out for solo and specialty numbers in the ice show must be registered prior to November 13th. Skaters should register for these tryouts here. Tryouts will be held at the Willett on November 13th from 9:00-11:30.
- Volunteer Sign-Up for club events is now available here. Additional hours will be added for Picture day on March 4th. Volunteer hour expectations can be found on our website
- High School Team Members can place apparel orders here
The CIFSC will not be participating in the Stevens Point Downtown Holiday Parade this year as we do not have a volunteer coordinator.We now have a volunteer coordinator for the Stevens Point Downtown Holiday Parade on November 16th. Stay tuned for details!
Have a good day!