Test Session / High School Competition: Volunteer Updates

We are excited to host our annual Test Session/ Red Panther Classic High School Competition next Saturday! Due to the overwhelming number of teams this year, the event has been extended. If you signed up to volunteer that day, THANK YOU.

Please visit the volunteer site as some times and volunteer positions/descriptions have changed. Confirm your updated times and please read through the description. If you have any questions, you can email Jill Przekurat at jillprzekurat@gmail.com.

Continue reading “Test Session / High School Competition: Volunteer Updates”

Stevens Point Holiday Parade 2023: Signup Online!

The annual holiday parade is upon us! We have a wonderful opportunity for Crystal Ice Figure Skating Club and Learn to Skate families to once again participate in the Stevens Point Downtown Holiday Parade on Friday, December 1 at 6PM. We need your help to walk alongside the float and pass out candy!


Please respond to the link above, by November 22, if you are available to participate. An email will be sent out closer to the event date with further information on time to meet, etc.

Continue reading “Stevens Point Holiday Parade 2023: Signup Online!”

Annual Test Session / High School Competition: Sat. Dec. 9, 2023

Our annual test session and Red Panther High School Competition will be held on Saturday, December 9th.  Please review the attached registration form and discuss testing with your coach.  The test session is open to current CIFSC members and associate members only.  

Back by popular demand, we will again be offering a club resale opportunity on this day as well.  Refer to the attached flyer for details.  

As a reminder, if your skater is participating in either the test session or the high school competition, you will need to complete two hours of volunteer time during that day.  For test session only skaters, your hours will apply towards your club volunteer hours.  For high school skaters, your first two hours will fulfil your high school volunteer requirement.  Any additional hours worked will count towards your club volunteer hours. Please follow this link: https://signup.com/go/GeowPHO 

Continue reading “Annual Test Session / High School Competition: Sat. Dec. 9, 2023”

Volunteer as a Learn to Skate Helper

Get Involved and Give Back.

Skaters in high school that are interested in volunteering as a Learn to Skate helper, or have helped in the past, should plan on attending our meeting on TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 5TH at 5:00pm at the K.B. Willett. We will be going through what it means to be a helper, responsibilities, season overview, and additional opportunities. All interested skaters must attend the meeting.

Please fill out the form following the link below if you would like to be a helper this season.

Learn to Skate Interest Form

If you have any additional questions, please email Katie Baeten at katherine.g.baeten@gmail.com

Open Volunteer Positions

Good Morning,

The Crystal Ice Figure Skating Club relies on volunteers in every aspect of our organization. While we have set a minimum requirement for volunteer hours, we are so appreciative of those that exceed those requirements. Without the support and commitment of our volunteers, many club events would not be possible. Even if your skater isn’t involved in a particular event, yet, we want to maintain opportunities for when skaters are eligible. 

We have several volunteer positions opening as we prepare for a large graduating senior class this upcoming season. Committing to one of the positions below would involve working with the current volunteer for this season to learn the role, and then taking over the position during the 2024-2025 season. If you have any questions about what the position entails, please reach out to the current coordinator. Filling any one of these positions will fulfill your 5 (or 9 for multiple skaters) volunteer hours. This would not include your test session, HS team, or Ice Show hours required (if your skater participates). 

  • High School Competition Coordinator (October-December) Current Coordinator- Jill Przekurat jillprzekurat@gmail.com (fulfills your required 2 hours for HS Team)
  • High School Team Billing (September-March) Current Coordinator- Terrie Tauferner rtauf@frontiernet.net (fulfills your required 2 hours for HS Team)
  • Rink Monitor Coordinator & Scheduling (this job is a year round) Current Coordinator- Tieoni Riley rileysat@aol.com
  • Riverfront Rendezvous Soda Stand Coordinators (April-July) We have 2 coordinators for this position, we need to fill 1. Current Coordinators are Jen Lindsey and Terrie Tauferner- rtauf@frontiernet.net
  • 50/50 Raffle Coordinator (Ice Show Weekend) We would like to increase this from two coordinators to four. So we are looking for four people total. Current Coordinators- Terrie and Ryan Tauferner rtauf@frontiernet.net (fulfills your required Ice Show Hours)
  • Ice Show Yard Sign Coordinator (March-April) Current Coordinator- Tieoni Riley rileysat@aol.com

Thank you for your consideration,

CIFSC Board 

Ice Show 2023: Volunteer List / Information

THANK YOU to our volunteers for stepping up and filling those slots. Below are a list of volunteers. If you are unsure what your role entails, email me and I will give you a rundown.

All volunteers, please pick a name tag up from the ticket table on the West end of the building. This is how we will track volunteer attendance. If your partner hasn’t shown up, please let a board member know and we will help you out. 

Continue reading “Ice Show 2023: Volunteer List / Information”

New CIFSC Board Members

We would like to welcome our newest CIFSC Board members:

  • Darcy Grabski
  • Jen Lindsey
  • Nick Lindsey

Their positions will officially begin in July.

We also want to mention the board members whose terms are up and have brought so much to the club over the years:

  • Beth McBride (6 years)
  • Liz Anderson (6 years)
  • Melissa Fletcher (3 years)

Congratulations to all of you, we’re so lucky to have you part of our club!

The CIFSC Board

Ice Show 2023: Volunteers Needed!

We are still in need of a few more volunteers for Ice Show Weekend. Please consider signing up: https://signup.com/go/GeowPHO

Volunteers should stop by the ticket table on the West end of the building and pick up their volunteer name tag. Volunteers helping backstage (skate shop, Zamboni end, and freestyle locker rooms) DO NOT need a ticket for that show. All other volunteers will need a ticket.

Rehearsals resume this Sunday, March 26th. Please refer to your rehearsal schedule. 

Technical and Dress Rehearsals are mandatory. For an explanation of how these nights will be run, please review the following posts:

We can’t wait to see the skaters hit the ice. They have been working incredibly hard!