October / Important Dates & Updates

Bear with me as I go over some club updates. There are quite a few.

  • Butterbraid Fundraiser– order forms and money are due this Sunday, October 24th, by 6:00 p.m. Please place your order form and one check (made out to CIFSC) in an envelope and place it in the CIFSC drop box located inside the rink. 
  • 2021 Holiday Parade – Is your skater interested in walking in the City of Stevens Point Holiday Parade? I am gauging interest. The parade is Wednesday, November 17 at 6:00 p.m.  Please contact cifscstevenspoint@gmail.com by Wednesday, October 27th if your skater would like to participate. 
  • Ice Show 2022 –  The city has changed the date of the ice show to April 9 and 10.
  • Ice Show Tryouts – The club will be holding ice show tryouts on Sunday, November 14th from 12:00-3:00. See specific tryout information below.
  • CIFSC Test Session & Home Highschool Competition – Saturday, December 11th. Volunteers will be needed, please watch your email for sign-up opportunities. 
  • Ice Show Pictures – Ice show pictures will be taken on Saturday, February 26th between 10:00-3:00. A schedule will come out closer to that date. 

Reminders / Skater Code Of Conduct

We have had some concerns about the following policies. Please talk with your skater about these expectations.

  • NO CELLPHONES ON THE ICE. Music needs to be played by the monitors. Any notes your skater may have, must be read off ice. Videos need to be taken by someone off ice or by the skater’s coach. We need their full attention on the skaters around them.
  • Skaters need a scarf or sash while skating to their music. This makes them visible to the other skaters as the soloist with the right of way. Please make sure your skater has a sash/scarf to use on the ice. Rink monitors, if skaters do not have a scarf/sash, they forfeit their turn to skate. They are welcome to borrow from another skater, if needed.
  • Rink Monitors need to be announcing skaters over the microphone before playing their music. Again, this is another safety measure so other skaters know who has the right of way.
  • Skaters should move out of the way of a soloist skating to their music. Be aware of where the soloist is and give them space for their routine

We ask rink monitors to talk with skaters, when needed, regarding the above policies. All of these expectations were covered at the membership meeting by our coaches. This is also covered in the skater code of conduct.

Synchronized Skating Committee: Members Needed

The Synchronized Skating Committee is looking for new members! There are tasks available on this committee that can count towards your required volunteer hours. This committee meets, as needed, via Zoom. If you have specific questions about this committee or are willing to join, please email Melissa Fletcher at tmmifletcher@gmail.com.

Our club relies on our dedicated volunteers. Please consider offering your time and talents to our skaters.