Ice Show 2023: Registration Updates, Additional Fees

Ice Show Registration opens on Saturday, October 29th. The link to registration can be found on the KB Willett Ice Arena website. Skaters who are eligible, and interested, in trying out for a specialty, solo, or tot leader role must be registered for the ice show prior to tryouts (November 13).

If your skater earns a solo or specialty number, or will be performing as part of a synchoo team, highschool team, or as a senior, additional fees will be billed this year. Due to some redistribution of responsibilities the practice ice costs will now be divided by the skaters on the ice. The board is committed to minimizing these costs, as much as we can. We strongly encourage families to take advantage of our credit earning opportunities to assist paying these additional fees. RaiseRight (formally known as Scrip) is an easy way to build credit. For more information regarding this opportunity, please reach out to Cassie Tudor cassiejtudor@admin

Update 10/28/2022: After some productive conversations with the city about the ice show, the practice ice costs will not be passed onto skaters this year. Please prepare for the possibility that skaters may be billed next year. The best way to keep our costs low is to pack that arena for the shows. So please start spreading the word. Share the event on social media and, when the time comes, get those yard signs out.

We wanted to make sure families were aware of these changes, prior to registration. If you have additional questions, please let us know.

CIFSC Board of Directors

2022 Holiday Parade: RSVP / Signup

Be A Part of Making Memories!

We have a wonderful opportunity for CIFSC and Learn to Skate families to once again participate in the Stevens Point Downtown Holiday Parade on Wednesday, November 16 at 6PM. We need your help to walk alongside the float and pass out candy! 

This activity is optional, but we’d love to see our skaters (parents welcome too) partake in this fun event for our community!

Continue reading “2022 Holiday Parade: RSVP / Signup”

October: Updates / Reminders

Good Afternoon! Here are a few CIFSC reminders:

  • Our Butter Braid fundraiser ends this Sunday. Please submit your order form and one check made out to CIFSC. These should be placed in our lock box inside the rink by 8 p.m. on Sunday, October 23. Delivery will be on November 3 from 5:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the Willett. You must arrange to pick up your items at that time. They will not be held for you. 
  • Ice Show Registration opens on October 29th. Club members who are interested and eligible to try out for solo and specialty numbers in the ice show must be registered prior to November 13th. Skaters should register for these tryouts here. Tryouts will be held at the Willett on November 13th from 9:00-11:30. 
  • Volunteer Sign-Up for club events is now available here. Additional hours will be added for Picture day on March 4th. Volunteer hour expectations can be found on our website 
  • High School Team Members can place apparel orders here
  • The CIFSC will not be participating in the Stevens Point Downtown Holiday Parade this year as we do not have a volunteer coordinator. We now have a volunteer coordinator for the Stevens Point Downtown Holiday Parade on November 16th. Stay tuned for details!

Have a good day!

Learn to Skate: Halloween Dress Up / Ice Show 2023 Theme

Halloween Dress Up!

We will have a dress-up day for Halloween on Tuesday, October 25th and Saturday, October 29th. Skaters are welcome to wear a costume during class if they wish as long as it does not inhibit their skating skills or leave debris on the ice. We will also be incorporating some fun fall-themed games and activities during class time.

Fall session progress reports will be handed out after class on Nov. 1st or 5th. Winter session registration begins on November 5th at noon.

Continue reading “Learn to Skate: Halloween Dress Up / Ice Show 2023 Theme”

Pre-Season: Reminders / Registration Due 09/02

Package Registration is due Friday, September 2. Please use this link to register. Our first day of packages will be Sunday, September 11th. Rink Monitor assignments will be sent shortly before that. 

High school skaters interested in volunteering at Learn to Skate classes are invited to an informational/sign-up meeting on August 30 at the Willett at 7:30. Parents/Guardians should also attend. 

Interested in working at the concession stand? Money earned is applied towards skating fees. Please email Liz at for more information.

Want to enroll in the RaiseRight program? This is also applied towards your skating fees. Please email Cassie at for our enrollment code.