Package Ice Reminders

It’s been a great couple of weeks back on the ice, but just a quick reminder to reiterate the package guidelines.

How to Skate a Package


  • Skate as if you are crossing a busy street. Look both ways and be on the lookout for other skaters.
  • Avoid standing in one place on the ice. When needing to rest, skaters may go to the boxes.
  • Do not stand on the ends of the rink: many Moves patterns come very close to the end boards of the rink.
  • If you have music uploaded to the CIFSC Website, the rink monitor will call you to skate. Bring a scarf/sash to wear when skating to your music. This will indicate to other skaters that you have the ‘right of way’.
  • Please stay home if you are not feeling well.


  • Spins should be done in the center of the ice.
  • The ends of the arena are for jumping or are considered the jump zone, especially the corners. Don’t stand around those areas.
  • Keep moving -standing means someone must maneuver around you, which can cause an accident.


  • You must yield to a skater who is:
  • In a lesson with a coach
  • Wearing a scarf/sash and skating their program to music
  • Having a lesson using the harness


  • Keep your head up and be aware of other skaters around you. Skaters will leave all personal, electronic devices OFF THE ICE. Club members are prohibited from using any recording or music-playing devices on the ice (including earbuds). Skaters not only need to watch for other skaters, but also listen for them.
  • Any ‘on deck’ skaters wearing their scarf/sash will remain near the boards to avoid confusion over which skater has the right of way. ‘On deck’ skaters should be ready when it is their turn to keep the rotation moving.
  • The rink monitor booth and hockey benches (boxes) are reserved for Coaches of Record, Skaters, and Rink Monitors only. Siblings, friends, and family who need to briefly speak with a skater or record a skater may do so from the rink doors where skaters enter and exit the ice. Exception: a parent/ guardian can facilitate a virtual lesson at the request of a Coach of Record. Parents should not be disruptive and avoid ‘side-line’ coaching.
  • If you fall, get up right away. If you are hurt, stay still on the ice until a coach reaches you.
  • Please do not skate on a hockey circle the entire session.
  • Be on time for your sessions, especially after a resurface.
  • Stretch before getting on the ice and always be aware of others around you.
  • NO FOOD OR GUM ON THE ICE. Water is the only drink permitted on the ice.
  • Please do not litter or leave anything on the ice. Items left on the ice may severely damage the Zamboni.
  • Skaters are required to fill holes, chips, and gouges in the ice at the END OF EACH SESSION. Please use the bucket at the Zamboni end to FILL THE HOLES.
  • Be kind to one another both on and off the ice

Unsafe or discourteous behavior of any kind will not be tolerated. Skaters will be given an initial verbal warning for their behavior. If additional reminders are needed, the skater may be removed from the activity and given a written warning. A face-to-face meeting with a parent or guardian may be held. Continuous violations may result in a loss of club privileges or revocation of club membership.
