Butterbraid Sales: Starts Sunday, Oct. 9!

Good evening everyone!

This is a final reminder about the butterbraid sales beginning on Sunday October 9th. Please see information below. In addition, I wanted to let you know that I dropped off the actual order forms in the form holder next to our testing board at the Willett. Feel free to grab one if needed.

Sale starts: Sunday October 9th

Order turn in date: Sunday October 23rd at the Willett – if you are not at the rink this day, you can drop your order form with the check in our drop box prior to this date.

Payment Info: Please write one check payable to CIFSC for all orders. If your buyers are paying using a check, please have them make it out to you so you can write 1 check for the total amount of orders.

Delivery Date: Thursday November 3rd from 5:30pm to 6:00pm – Remember if you are unable to make this pickup date/time, you will need to find someone who can pick up for you. 

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Happy Selling!
Melissa Fletcher