The City of Stevens Point provides a wonderful fundraising opportunity to the Crystal Ice Figure Skating Club to sell soda during the Riverfront Rendezvous 4th of July Celebration—July 1st – 3rd. Skaters will receive credit for each 3 hour shift they work. This is optional and not part of the club’s required volunteer hours.
Please read the following before signing up for a shift:
- A parent or guardian must accompany the skater at each shift and work the entire shift with the skater. If a family has multiple skaters, each skater signed up must be present with a parent or guardian—1 parent per skater.
- Skaters must be an active club member (excludes collegiate or associate members) at the time of sign-up.
- If you have not worked Riverfront in the past, we recommend signing up for a shift with a family who has worked before.
- If you and your skater are unable to work your shift, you are responsible for finding your replacement. You must notify Jen Lindsey and Terrie Tauferner of your replacement.
At this time you are able to sign up for two shifts utilizing the following link:
If all shifts have not been filled, we will send a follow-up email next week and you will have an opportunity to sign up for additional times. Please contact Jen Lindsey (715) 630-7002 or Terrie Tauferner (715) 570-6929 with any questions.
Thank you,
Jen Lindsey & Terrie Tauferner