Moving forward, we ask that the boxes and booths at both rinks be reserved for our coaches on record and skaters scheduled in that particular session.
Continue reading “Ice Boxes & Booths: Reserved for Coaches & Skaters”Riverfront Rendezvous: Additional Slots, Signup NOW!
Only 4 slots remain for the Bingo tent on Saturday, July 2nd! Please sign-up now if you are interested in participating or need additional shifts at Riverfront Rendezvous!
Please sign-up utilizing the following link:
Membership Renewal: Deadline, Required To Skate
If you plan on renewing your membership and have not yet completed the membership forms and waivers, please do so at your earliest convenience.
Membership must be renewed prior to 7/1. Skaters are not eligible to skate until their membership has been renewed.
Continue reading “Membership Renewal: Deadline, Required To Skate”2022-23: CIFSC Membership
We will again be using Google forms to complete this year’s membership registration. The link below will take you to an electronic version of our membership form. We need all members, including current collegiate members and coaches of record from other clubs, to complete the form so that we have current contact information and waivers for this season. At the end of the main form is a link to the waivers that need to be completed with an electronic signature. Families with multiple skaters should complete one registration form and one waiver form with everyone’s signatures in the same form.
Continue reading “2022-23: CIFSC Membership”Summer Ice: 07/31 & 08/14 Time Adjustment
We apologize for the confusion on the following dates, but the times on the two Sunday’s July 31 & August 14 is 7:30-8:15 not 7:30-8:30. If you signed up for one of these sessions, we will credit your account $3 per session signed up per skater. We’re sorry for any inconvenience. There is a specialty class prior to both of these with a walk-on price of $30, if you’re interested in more ice time.
Thank you!
Trisha Hudack
Riverfront Rendezvous: Concessions Fundraising / Signup

The City of Stevens Point provides a wonderful fundraising opportunity to the Crystal Ice Figure Skating Club to sell soda during the Riverfront Rendezvous 4th of July Celebration—July 1st – 3rd. Skaters will receive credit for each 3 hour shift they work. This is optional and not part of the club’s required volunteer hours.
Continue reading “Riverfront Rendezvous: Concessions Fundraising / Signup”