Rink Monitoring: Music Order Changes (Effective: 1/15/23)

In order to ensure all skaters have an equal chance of having their music played during package ice, we will be mixing up where we start our alphabetical order.

This week (Jan 15, 2023) we will be starting with the middle of the alphabet and from the end of the alphabet next week. The starting points will be marked in the rink monitor book.

In addition to going in order, rink monitors should take note of which skaters have been able to skate their programs more than other skaters and should adjust accordingly so that everyone has an equal opportunity to practice.

Thank you,

Raise Right: Transaction Fee Increase

We wanted to let you know about an upcoming change to Raise Right fees. The following was sent to Raise Right members:

Effective January 9, 2023, the transaction fee for orders placed by participants using their bank account will increase from $0.15 to $0.29 per order so we can continue to enhance our gift card catalog and develop new features to grow your organization’s earnings. We have not adjusted this fee since 2011 and remain committed to keeping our fees as low as possible.

Continue reading “Raise Right: Transaction Fee Increase”

Salvation Army Bell Ringing

CISFC can make a difference in our community. Ring the Bell for Salvation Army, from Wednesday to Friday this week at Walmart from 4 – 8 pm. Please let us know who would like to sign up, date and time. Parents are also welcome to participate with their son/daughter.

Ring a bell… help change a life.

If you have club gear, wear it, but dress weather appropriate.

Yami H. Hill
Phone:  715-342-6878
Cell: 715-572-3474

SPAM Email Reminder

Each year we deal with SPAM emails sent to various club members. They look like they are from me, but they are not from my personal email account. Our club account, nor my personal account, have not been hacked. 

Often these emails ask for you to contact me, that it is urgent. They sometimes request you purchase gift cards for a donation or reward. 


Continue reading “SPAM Email Reminder”