Rink Monitoring: Reminder To Arrive Early

Just a reminder to please arrive 5 to 10 minutes before your rink monitor shift so that you can get set up and you are ready to begin when the package starts. Please allow the skaters about 5 minutes to warm up and then begin calling names and playing music.

If you are going to be late, please communicate that to the other rink monitor scheduled but please don’t make a habit of arriving late or assuming the other person is going to set up.  This is important so that music gets played as efficiently as possible. Also, so that there is an adult present and in charge.

Continue reading “Rink Monitoring: Reminder To Arrive Early”

Butterbraid Fundraiser: Due (Sunday 10/22/2023)

Good evening everyone! Just a few short days left of butter braid fundraising! I wanted to send out a few reminders:

  • Collect payment at time of order. If your buyer is paying via check, have the check made payable to you. When you turn in the order form and payment on 10/22/23, please include 1 check for the total amount of all braids sold made payable to CIFSC.
  • I will be available at the rink on 10/22/23 to pick up the order forms/checks. If you are unable to make it to the rink that day, please have your order form/check placed in the CIFSC drop box within the K.B. Willett Arena prior to 10/22/23.

As always, please reach out with any questions!


CIFSC Membership: 2023-2024 Season

We will again be using Google forms to complete this year’s membership registration.  The link below will take you to an electronic version of our membership form. We need all members, including current collegiate members and coaches of record from other clubs, to complete the form so that we have current contact information and waivers for this season. At the end of the main form is a link to the waivers that need to be completed with an electronic signature. Families with multiple skaters should complete one registration form and one waiver form with everyone’s signatures in the same form.


Continue reading “CIFSC Membership: 2023-2024 Season”

Ice Show 2023: Volunteer List / Information

THANK YOU to our volunteers for stepping up and filling those slots. Below are a list of volunteers. If you are unsure what your role entails, email me and I will give you a rundown.

All volunteers, please pick a name tag up from the ticket table on the West end of the building. This is how we will track volunteer attendance. If your partner hasn’t shown up, please let a board member know and we will help you out. 

Continue reading “Ice Show 2023: Volunteer List / Information”

Spring Ice: Registration Deadline (Mar. 27, 2023)

Please read the directions before registering your skater.

  • Type your skater’s full name as the ‘answer’ for each date you are registering for (registration is ala carte, you can skate as much or as little as you would like)
  • Fill out a separate form for each skater in your family
  • Skaters should only register for their appropriate level, contact your coach if you are unsure
  • Once the final schedule is released, no changes will be made
  • Club members will be assigned rink monitor duties. They look different at Ice Hawks, expectations will be shared
  • Bills will be sent by the treasurer once the schedule is set (Some packages may be cancelled due to low interest. You will be contacted if a package you selected is being cancelled).
  • Walk-on options are only available to skaters registered for at least one session. Skaters may only walk onto packages at their skating level. Each package is capped at 15 skaters.
  • Priority will be given to club, collegiate, then associate members.
  • Members must be in good standing to be eligible to skate (volunteer and financial obligations have been met)