Here we go! Attached, you will find the ice show packet that contains a wealth of information about participating in the ice show. Please read through the entire document. You are responsible for knowing the information being sent to you. Any updates and reminders about the various deadlines will be emailed as they approach.
Inside the packet you will find:
- practice schedule
- picture day schedule
- performance groups
- video sales
- t-shirt contest
- & much more!
As a reminder, our attendance policy for participating in the ice show is:
- Skaters must attend at least 50% of the LTS classes.
- Skaters may not miss more than one ice show practice
- Opening number participants must be on the ice for both practices for the entire time to skate in the number and order an opening number t-shirt.
- Participants must skate in their snowplow/basic/freestyle number to be eligible to skate in additional numbers in the show unless there is no appropriate level and age group for the individual to participate in. Other numbers include solo, specialty, high school team, synchronized skating team, and opening number.
Please reach out with any questions.
Thank you,
Anne Hylla
Recreation Superintendent
Parks, Recreation and Forestry
2442 Sims Ave.
Stevens Point, WI 54481