If you have any questions about these opportunities please reach out to the hosting club.
Looking for something fun for your skater to do during Winter Break? We invite them to spend the day with the Coulee Region High School Figure Skating Team! Skate, learn and enjoy on-ice and off-ice classes and activities including crafts, games and skills lessons.

The Coulee Region High School Figure Skating Team
Snowy Day Skate Camp
2 ½ to 3 hours of on-ice classes and activities
Classes will be tailored to each skating level such as: curriculum-based instruction, jump and spin classes, group and synchronized skating, performance skills class, on-ice games, practice time, progression based classes
2 ½ to 3 hours of off-ice classes and activities
Classes are designed to enhance skating while having fun such as: off-ice stretching and fitness, jump roping, movement and expression, off-ice jumping, arts and crafts, off-ice games
(skater’s age, level, and interests will be considered)
Lunch & Snack Breaks
Please provide a bottle of water and a sack lunch
Register by Tuesday, December 26
15 skaters need to register for this camp to be offered.
Register for Camp using Tri-State Toe Picks Parent Portal by following these steps:
- Click “Register for Classes”
- Click “Learn to Skate”
- Click “Snowy Day Camp hosted by Coulee Region HS Figure Skating Team”
- Click “Submit”
Questions can be directed to:
crhsfst@gmail.com or info@couleelearntoskate.org