If you have any questions about these opportunities please reach out to the hosting club.
Eagle River Figure Skating Club “Up North” in beautiful Eagle River, Wisconsin is excited to announce our 2nd annual Silver Blades Classic “at the Dome” figure skating competition to be held Saturday, March 4th 2023. We have been working hard to make this an exceptional competition for all involved. We have attached a copy of our announcement. Please share with your club members and fellow skater friends. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook to stay up to date on all things competition related at: https://www.facebook.com/eagleriverdome .
Registration is currently open via Entryeeze (http://comp.entryeeze.com/Home.aspx?cid=777). Register by Sunday, January 8th to take advantage of our “early-bird” discount. If you have questions contact the Silver Blades Classic LOC at email: silverbladesclassic@gmail.com. We look forward to seeing you in March!
- Trophy awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, medals for 4th-6th*
- Team Trophy awarded to top finishing club*
- Competition shirt (long sleeve) included with registration*
- Photographer available on-site ($)*
Accountant: Mr. Robert Gall (Certified 6.0 Accountant with USFSA)